Exposure Therapy in Jacksonville, Florida

Exposure Therapy in Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida Psychologist and

Phobia Treatment Expert


Dr. D’Arienzo, Jacksonville Florida Psychologist, provides Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy. He specializes in the treatment of anxiety and panic related conditions such as driving phobia and bridge phobia. Please contact our office if you or a loved one needs assistance in overcoming these conditions. Dr. D’Arienzo will create a program specific to the identified fear in graded steps. He will be with you along the way and will get you back on the road, highway, and over the bridge. 


What Is Exposure Therapy, And How Is It Used For The Treatment Of Anxiety Disorders?

Question: What is exposure therapy, and how is it used for the treatment of anxiety disorders?

Answer: Exposure therapy is aimed at maladaptive, excessive, or unreasonable anxiety. That is, for example, someone with OCD will touch a doorknob, and they’ll think, “Oh, if I touch this doorknob, I might get a disease like HIV.” So again, the anxiety is out of proportion to the actual experience. The intention in exposure therapy is to get your brain to signal you in a more accurate way. In an anxiety disorder, your anxiety system is giving you misinformation. It’s giving you information that you’re in danger when you’re in fact not in danger.

So exposure therapy — the idea is that we have you systematically confront your fears: go into those situations that are causing you anxiety. The idea is that you don’t leave that situation and you don’t do anything to protect yourself. It’s a really difficult treatment because your anxiety actually feels like it’s increasing in the moment, and it is increasing in the moment.

As that bad thing doesn’t happen, the feared consequence doesn’t happen, your brain starts to learn something new — “Oh, bad things don’t happen in the situation the way that I thought” — and your anxiety naturally starts to come down on its own — we call this habituation. And that’s what we think is helpful in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

So with repeated exposures to those kinds of situations — where you go into the situation, you don’t escape, you don’t protect yourself — your anxiety will go down on its own, and you’ll have less anxiety in future similar situations.

Jeff Szymanski, Ph.D., Dir., Psychological Services, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Institute, McLean Hospital April 16, 2008 (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/AnxietyTreating/story?id=4665240#.Twz5p2_-_AY)




Ponte Vedra Beach Psychologist, Jacksonville Psychologist Provides Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy

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Tricare Psychology, Counseling, and Mental Health Care

Tricare Psychology, Counseling, and Mental Health Care. Military psychology plays a pivotal role in supporting the mental health and well-being of service members, their families, and retirees. Understanding the unique challenges faced by these individuals is essential, as is providing comprehensive care through programs such as TRICARE Mental Health Services. This article delves into the significance of military psychology and the benefits offered by TRICARE for those serving, their loved ones, and those who have served. Military Service Mental Health Psychological and Counseling Center in Florida Understanding Military Psychology. Military psychology focuses on the psychological aspects of military life, combat, and the aftermath of service. It encompasses a wide range of mental health services aimed at addressing issues such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and the stressors associated with military duties and transitions back to civilian life. The goal is to offer support that is both preventive and therapeutic, ensuring the mental resilience and well-being of the military community. TRICARE Mental Health Services: A Comprehensive Approach. TRICARE, the health care program serving Uniformed Service members, retirees, and their families, provides extensive mental health services. These services are designed to support the unique needs of the military community, including: Access to Care: TRICARE ensures access to mental health care without the need for referrals for active duty members. Family members and retirees can also access services with minimal barriers, emphasizing the importance of early and effective intervention. Diverse Treatments: The program covers a wide array of mental health treatments, including….

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When a student makes a threat at school what do you do

When a Student Makes a Threat at School, What Do You Do? When a student makes a threat within a school environment, it’s a critical moment that demands a swift, comprehensive, and nuanced response. As psychologists, it’s clear that such situations are complex and involve numerous factors, including the mental health of the student, the safety of the school community, and legal considerations. Here are key steps schools should take in response to a threat: Immediate Action and Assessment
Ensure Immediate Safety: The first priority is to ensure the safety of all students and staff. This may involve securing the area, notifying security personnel, and possibly even a temporary lockdown, depending on the nature and severity of the threat. Evaluate the Threat: It’s essential to quickly assess the credibility and specificity of the threat. This involves determining whether the student has the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the threat. Professionals trained in threat assessment should be involved in this process.
Involving the Right Resources. Mental Health Evaluation: A critical next step is to have the student evaluated by a mental health professional. This evaluation can help determine the underlying issues contributing to the threat, such as emotional distress, psychological disorders, or external pressures. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: In cases where the threat is deemed credible and specific, it’s crucial to involve law enforcement agencies. They can provide additional security, guidance, and ensure that any legal requirements are met.

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