Marriage Counseling in Jacksonville Fl – How and Why Love Lasts

Marriage Counseling in Jacksonville FL – How and Why Love Lasts

Dr. Judith S. Wallerstein, PhD, co-author of the book The Good Marriage: How and Why Love Lasts, describes nine psychological tasks that people in a good marriage have completed. A couples counselor, marriage therapist, or psychologist would be wise to address these tasks during therapy or counseling.

  1. First, the husband and wife each separate emotionally from their family of origin. The individuals are not estranged from their families but they are separate enough that they possess their own identities. Again, these identities are separate from the parents and siblings.
  2. Second, these individuals build togetherness based on a shared intimacy and identity while simultaneously set boundaries to protect each partner’s autonomy. Both individuals are interdependent.
  3. Third, the couple establishes a rich and pleasurable sexual relationship. The couple protects the relationship and their intimacy from occupational intrusions and intrusions from family and friend obligations.
  4. Fourth, for couples with children, the marital couple embraces the daunting roles of parenthood and absorbs the impact of a baby’s entrance into the marriage. The individuals learn to continue the work of protecting the privacy of the husband and wife as a couple.
  5. Fifth, the couple confronts and masters the inevitable crises of life together.
  6. Sixth, the couple maintains the strength of the marital bond in the face of adversity. The marriage is a safe haven in which partners are able to express their differences, their anger and their conflict.
  7. Seventh, the couple uses humor and laughter to keep things in perspective and to avoid boredom and isolation.
  8. Eight, the couple  nurtures and comforts each other, satisfying each partner’s needs for dependency and offering continuing encouragement and support.
  9. Ninth, the couple keeps alive the early romantic, idealized images of falling in love, while facing the sober realities of the changes wrought by time.

As a practicing licensed psychologist providing marriage counseling in Jacksonville FL, the initial evaluation session explores which of these important tasks have not been realized and which have. When these tasks have not been realized, the couple’s energy is channeled to achieve these unrealized tasks. The tasks already achieved are simultaneously enhanced.

About the author: Dr. Justin D’Arienzo is a licensed psychologist in Jacksonville, FL with specialized training in clinical and forensic psychology. He provides couples counseling, family therapy, marital therapy, psychological assessment, custody evaluations, parenting coordination, and forensic psychological evaluations.


Marriage Counseling Jacksonville-Its importance and its necessity

Marriage is among the most important decisions that a man or a woman makes in his or her lifetime. The selection of a person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life should not be made emotionally or in a state of hurry. Proper consideration and rational thinking is required for making this decision because so much is riding on it. The future of the involved parties and the future of the children that they are going to have is all going to depend on how accurate this decision of marriage was. Therefore, the selection of a life-partner must be made very carefully.

Not only is the accuracy of the decision of marriage an important aspect of a married life, the continuity of the marriage is an equally important aspect of it too. Unless a married couple lives happily together it won’t be able to raise its children in a better manner and would not be able to enjoy the full pleasures of a married life. Therefore, if at any instance a couple starts feeling that the relationship between them is losing its color and they are both getting tired of it then they must become alarmed and should immediately consult the advice of a marriage counselor.

Marriage Counseling is a method through which a couple can find the help it requires in saving its relationship. Marriage counseling Jacksonville is a prime example of this, which has helped many couples in finding the solution to their marital woes and has succeeded in bringing many dead relationships to life. The success rate of marriage counseling in Jacksonville has been such that couples from all over the United States have started coming here in search of ways through which they can improve and strengthen their fading relationships and can rekindle the love that they once had for each other.


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When a Student Makes a Threat at School, What Do You Do? When a student makes a threat within a school environment, it’s a critical moment that demands a swift, comprehensive, and nuanced response. As psychologists, it’s clear that such situations are complex and involve numerous factors, including the mental health of the student, the safety of the school community, and legal considerations. Here are key steps schools should take in response to a threat: Immediate Action and Assessment
Ensure Immediate Safety: The first priority is to ensure the safety of all students and staff. This may involve securing the area, notifying security personnel, and possibly even a temporary lockdown, depending on the nature and severity of the threat. Evaluate the Threat: It’s essential to quickly assess the credibility and specificity of the threat. This involves determining whether the student has the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the threat. Professionals trained in threat assessment should be involved in this process.
Involving the Right Resources. Mental Health Evaluation: A critical next step is to have the student evaluated by a mental health professional. This evaluation can help determine the underlying issues contributing to the threat, such as emotional distress, psychological disorders, or external pressures. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: In cases where the threat is deemed credible and specific, it’s crucial to involve law enforcement agencies. They can provide additional security, guidance, and ensure that any legal requirements are met.

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