Anger Management Self Help

All it takes is 3 minutes a day for 30 days to change your life.

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We are very excited to announce our free anger management self help Get a Grip audio program. If you are motivated and committed, our program can assist you in learning to manage your anger and getting control of your life. All it takes is listening to a three minute audio segment per day and then work as best you can to apply it to your day.

How am I going to learn to control my anger listening to this damn recording? Get a Grip, 3 for 30. 

How am I going to learn to control my anger listening to this damn recording? Get a Grip, 30 for 30. Believe it or not, we can assist you in improving your anger if you are committed to the process and you listen to our recording and implement our techniques into your life.


Did my daddy cause my anger, and does it help to beat my pillow when I am angry? Get a Grip, 3 for 30 series. No, your daddy or mommy, did not pass down angry genes, and no it does not help to beat any object to reduce your anger.


Anger does have immediate payoffs; however, the long terms consequences are typically quite severe if one has a problem with anger. Get a Grip, 3 for 30. Spend time thinking about the payoffs versus the consequences. If you are honest in this approach, you will see that the consequences outweigh the benefits.


Does bullying other people get me what I want? Get a Grip, 3 for 30. You may get you want in the short term, but people are only giving you what you want because they fear you. When you are not around, they will likely not do what you say, and also resent you and retaliate against you given the chance.


