Section 1 Exercise

Posted by: Dr. Justin D'Arienzo, Psy.D., ABPP

Section 1 Exercise: Consider writing these questions and answers on a device or medium that you can quickly refer to the future when you begin to be triggered by your co-parent or related situation. 

Imagine Life Without This Conflict. How Would Life Be?

  1. What type of life do you want for your children? What are your goals and dreams for them?
  2. Is there anything that stands in the way of your children attaining what you want for them?
  3. How might your children be affected by conflict with your former partner or their family?
  4. Identify three or more positive outcomes that would happen for your children if there was less conflict.
  5. Identify three or more positive outcomes that would happen for you if there was less conflict.
  6. Imagine three to five years from now, that your child tells a close friend what you did to help them through the separation or divorce. What would you like them to say about you and your behavior?